BBS in a Box 7
BBS in a Box - Macintosh - Volume VII (BBS in a Box) (January 1993).iso
IDOD 3.4.1.CPT
IDOD 3.4.1
IDOD Dox & Stuff
Sample Multi-Page List
< prev
next >
Text File
52 lines
To use Multi-Page downloading, place "-->###" above the file numbers
that correspond the the page to download from. (### is the page number
on GEnie that is the file section for any RT.) In the example below,
-->585 is the file section for FreeSoft. When IDOD see's "-->",
it moves to the page number that follows and continues with downloading.
When IDOD reaches -->480, it will move to page 480;3 and download the
flagged file.
When IDOD reaches -->605, it will move to page 605;3 then download
all flagged files until the end of the list.
When defining the page number, do not put ";3" at the end. IDOD will
do that automatically.
Sample List:
*1365 I-M2.0.SIT X B.GALLET 890404 103320 16 6
Desc: Inside Mac DA v2.0
*13370 PROVUE RAM CHECK X TOMFERNANDEZ 890405 6300 20 6
Desc: RAM Memory Test utility
13369 IN MY ROOM - BEACH BOYS X W.ROWELL 890405 25200 4 2
Desc: DMCS 2.5 - Yamaha PSS-480 & 680
13368 YU BRIEFSTACK.SIT X G.LIGI 890404 670320 3 15
Desc: Parody news and disinformation
13367 SYNTHETIC DIVISION X J.HASLUP 890405 8820 8 15
Desc: Stack which does Synthetic Division
*13366 MAEWEST1.SIT X R.KACHEL 890404 54180 5 15
Desc: Classic line "Beulah, peel me a...
13364 VIRUS ENCYCLOPEDIA.SIT X H.SCHMITT 890404 49140 7 15
Desc: An updated reference on Mac Viruses
13363 VOCAB QUIZ 1.4 X M.GLEASON 890404 56700 4 12
Desc: Make/Take multiple choice quizzes.
13362 TOILET 6.0.2 X R.SEFCIK 890404 7560 20 6
Desc: Another Trash Can Replacement.
*13361 MACRTFILES 13200-13299 X ANNE-INDA 890404 50400 2 11
Desc: Long descriptions of library files
13360 M.E.G.A. COURSES S.SIT X C.ROSS3 890404 80640 7 3
Desc: 4 original WCLB courses.
End of Directory.